Showing posts with label Health and Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health and Fitness. Show all posts

The Missing Link In Every Relationship

The Missing Link In Every Relationship

Sex? Communication? Romantic Dates?

All these things are important, but a breakthrough new video reveals the surprising factor that can make ALL the difference in a relationship and few if any women (or men) are even aware of it!

The key is understanding men on a deep emotional level, and how the subtle things you say to a man affect him much more than you might think.

If you're frustrated with your man going cold, losing interest, or pulling away, then this video is a must-watch:
Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You. 

If you see this plant in your backyard, burn it immediately!

If you see this plant in your backyard, burn it immediately!

If you see this plant in your backyard, burn it immediately
You've probably already seen this in your backyard, but you didn't know how dangerous it was...
My advice: burn it or spread salt over it!
If Our grandparents knew more than we can even imagine about what plants to steer clear of and which plants to use for medicine.
Today we've lost their wisdom and we will pay the ultimate price when our unsustainable medical system collapses.
But if you'll give me just a few minutes of your time I'll show you how you can treat your whole family using only simple backyard weeds
 know you are interested in the old ways of doing things and incorporating that into your life. That's why I want you to be the first to know about this:
I've just printed 100 copies of what is probably the best book I've ever writtenThe Lost Book of Remedies.
This isn't available for the public yet. Only for a select few.
The Lost Book of Remedies
My grandfather was one of the greatest healers in America, and I spend most of my life using his old remedies. Most of the book is written closely following my grandfather's life-long plant journal, which he used to treat thousands of people.
The Lost Book of Remedies
The physical book has 300 pages, with 3 coloured pictures for every plant and for every medicine.

4 common fitness myths debunked

4 common fitness myths debunked

(BPT) - Weight-loss tips, fad diets and more — these days, they’re everywhere you look. And most of it is false information. In fact, the average American wrongly assumes a daily workout must be 95 minutes or more to be impactful, according to a new study conducted by Planet Fitness.
Americans express growing frustration with fad fitness, social media “fitspiration” and the many myths believed to be true about health and wellness. Here are some commonly-held misconceptions about fitness and the real truth behind them:
1) Myth: You have to put in a lot of time to get results
On average, Americans believe they need to work out for 95 minutes for it to even be beneficial. And those who don’t currently belong to a gym think a single, solid workout requires two full hours of exercise to be effective. However, recent guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services note that just 10 minutes of exercise will help raise your heart rate and maintain fitness levels.
2) Myth: Working out is like a five-day work week
Nearly half of Americans believe you need to work out more than five times a week in order for it to be effective — and that’s just not true. Every single episode of physical activity can provide temporary improvements in cognitive function and levels of anxiety. “You don’t have to work out seven days a week, two hours a day, to get healthy,” says Chris Rondeau, chief executive officer of Planet Fitness. “The truth is that fitness can be fun, affordable, non-intimidating and not all-consuming. The key is to just get started and know that every minute truly matters, and over time, can have a significant positive impact.”
3) Myth: Fitness needs to be a competition
Studies show that head-to-head challenges are demotivating to the majority of Americans who don’t currently belong to a gym. In fact, 68 per cent find leaderboards specifically demotivating. When it comes to individual health, all activity counts, not just your position on a scoreboard. Find a physical activity that is motivating and fun for you.
4) Myth: Social media helps spread the message of health and wellness
Quite the opposite. Common “fitspo” phrases such as, “no pain, no gain” or “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” are ineffective, according to most Americans. On the flip side, 65 per cent say that inspirational messaging like “investing in yourself” and “a year from now, you’ll be glad you started today,” is motivating.
“People can work out on their own terms and live healthy, happy lives, versus perpetuating certain myths that you should be ‘living to work out’,” says Rondeau. “It’s this mentality that has kept the majority of Americans from believing that they, too, can take that first step toward better health.”
 Photo Brandpoint

Travel tips: How vitamins can help you look and feel your best

Travel tips: How vitamins can help you look and feel your best

(BPT) - When you’re travelling, gummy vitamins can provide surprising and unexpected health benefits for beauty, digestion and sleep. You’re not the only one who can’t sleep in a strange bed or eat properly because you are bloated from not being on a “regular” schedule. Travelling can throw your body’s natural clock off so getting a good night’s sleep can be next to impossible. And, that means waking up feeling exhausted, so you don’t look or feel your best.
Nicole Avena, Ph.D., recommends packing the following gummy vitamins in your carry-on:

Natural Synergy, A modern slant on Ancient Healing (use to reduce pain)

Natural Synergy, A modern slant on Ancient Healing (use to reduce pain)   

We all know somebody… or at least have read about a celebrity who swears by the healing power of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine); such as acupuncture and acupressure.
So why is it that an ancient healing art that has over 2500 years' worth of proven results – with over a billion faithful followers, can’t seem to gain a strong foothold in Western culture?
Eastern culture on the other hand, fully embraces natural therapies – with Chinese lawmakers recently giving TCM a bigger role in the hospital system.
Unfortunately in Western culture, Big Pharma has a tendency to strangle natural healing practices. They do this to protect their market share.
The pharma industry has spent a great deal of money convincing doctors, Universities, hospitals and the general public that the only way to get relief is by masking pain and disease with toxic drugs (that need to be taken for a lifetime).
Rather than curing the disease naturally (once and for all) at the root cause.

5-Second Water Hack Melts Food Craving

Denver, Colorado, USA - December, 1st 2019 - People who struggle to lose weight now have an easier, scientifically-proven option for breaking the weight gain cycle and shedding unwanted pounds: Leptitox. Sonya Rhodes just announced the release of a brand-new weight loss product. It is set for worldwide distribution as of October 2019 and is looking to change the dieting industry. Based on science-backed research on the underestimated and previously shrouded subject of leptin resistance, the all-natural supplements feature powerful herbs, select vitamins and amino acids to arm the body with the ability to fight and reverse leptin resistance—the cause of weight gain and obesity.

“Before we understood the role of leptin resistance in obesity and the inability to lose weight we had no other choice but to attack body fat in all the wrong ways,” says Sonya Rhodes, co-founder of Leptitox. “With the discovery of leptin, and the phenomenon of leptin resistance we finally know the right way to target the obesity epidemic we’re facing. And that’s what we’ve done with the Leptitox supplements; combined our awareness of leptin resistance with the desperation and despair people feel around their inability to lose weight when they’re doing everything they can.”