Natural Synergy, A modern slant on Ancient Healing (use to reduce pain)

Natural Synergy, A modern slant on Ancient Healing (use to reduce pain)   

We all know somebody… or at least have read about a celebrity who swears by the healing power of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine); such as acupuncture and acupressure.
So why is it that an ancient healing art that has over 2500 years' worth of proven results – with over a billion faithful followers, can’t seem to gain a strong foothold in Western culture?
Eastern culture on the other hand, fully embraces natural therapies – with Chinese lawmakers recently giving TCM a bigger role in the hospital system.
Unfortunately in Western culture, Big Pharma has a tendency to strangle natural healing practices. They do this to protect their market share.
The pharma industry has spent a great deal of money convincing doctors, Universities, hospitals and the general public that the only way to get relief is by masking pain and disease with toxic drugs (that need to be taken for a lifetime).
Rather than curing the disease naturally (once and for all) at the root cause.
Of course, this problem is reinforced with the convenience of popping a pill compared to the prospect of changing one’s lifestyle, diet or applying specific exercises.
But the natural approach to curing pain and disease can be cheap, quick and easy – requiring far less commitment than going to the gym or strict dieting.
So what is Acupuncture and Acupressure all about?
The essence of this miraculous healing modality is restoring balance within your body.
Good health is a representation of perfect balance within your body.
Pain and disease stem from external and internal imbalances.
Whether it’s an external imbalance such as an accident, lifestyle choices, exposure to chemicals or radiation…
Or an internal imbalance such as negative thoughts or bottled up emotions.
Most chronic pain and ailments can be healed by restoring energy imbalances within your meridian system via pressure points (acupoints).

The World Health Organization has cited over 100 different ailments for which acupuncture and acupressure is proven to be highly effective:
Relief ranging from:
  • Chronic pain
  • Allergies
  • Addictions
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Ulcers
  • Gastrointestinal
  • disorders
  • Obesity
  • Sciatica and many, more.
Natural Synergy
Most people have heard of the miraculous effects of acupuncture… but many are not aware of acu-pressure.
This ancient healing art is based on the same principles as acupuncture, but instead of sharp needles, manual finger pressure is applied.
Historically, acupressure pre-dates acupuncture.
When acupressure treatment was first developed, they did not have the technology we have today to make needles. Instead, they used their fingers, bones or stones to apply pressure to specific pressure points.
These pressure points (acupoints) release blocked energy. This is the cornerstone of acupressure and acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has proven that our bodies contain a flow of energy that needs to circulate. The Chinese call this energy flow ‘Qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’). Qi is the energy force that supports all life. The Japanese call it “Ki”, Guru’s of India call it “Prana” and some Polynesian cultures call it “Mana”.
Qi needs to circulate through our bodies freely for us to maintain our physical and mental health.
Qi circulates through the body via our meridian lines.
Should our energy flow (Qi) slow down in one or more of these meridian lines, or there is a blockage in our meridian system; an energy imbalance will occur. And if not treated, pain, illness and disease will manifest.
Chinese medicine restores the natural flow of energy with the stimulation of specific pressure points (also known as acupoints).
Acupoints are like little whirlpools of energy that are dotted along your meridian lines.
By stimulating specific acupoints, a burst of energy will restore the circulation of a blocked meridian. This restores balance and harmony; which accelerates the healing process.
Many studies have proven the Meridian system. But one of the most popular was conducted by French Physicians Jean Claude Darras MD and Professor Pierre de Vernejoul.
They injected the isotope tracer Te99 into the acupoints of volunteer patients and then monitored the tracers movements using a gamma imaging camera.
The tracers travelled along the exact meridian lines within minutes after injection.
To challenge their findings, they injected non-meridian points – finding that the tracers simply pooled up and remained in the same spot.
Interestingly, tracers flowing through diseased parts of the body slowed down dramatically or stopped – compared to a fast flow around healthy parts of the meridian system.
Some skeptics dismiss acupressure citing the “placebo effect” – where 30% of people will be shown to heal in experiments when given a sugar pill instead of the “real medicine”. However, the placebo effect has been debunked because all kinds of animals – who can’t comprehend suggestion, also respond incredibly well to the healing properties of acupoint therapy.
Electricity is also an effective means to stimulate the meridian system.
Chinese hospitals combine electricity with acupuncture to achieve faster and longer-lasting relief, but the prospect of electrified needles puts a lot of people off.
Vibration – in the form of sound waves is another highly effective means for unblocking a congested meridian system.
What most people don’t realize is that everything (on an atomic level) in the universe vibrates at different sound frequencies.
When our meridian system is blocked or congested, it means that one or more of our meridians isn’t resonating at its optimum natural frequency.
Using the science of Entrainment (not entertainment) you can use frequencies to restore your meridian system back to its natural state.
You have probably heard of the concept of entrainment before but not the name of it. Entrainment is defined as “a synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles” – it’s a law of physics: when two objects are entrained/synchronized with each other, they expend less energy.
It is this phenomenon that causes:
  • Female roommates’ menstrual cycles to sync together
  • Our heart rate and brain waves entraining/syncing to a hectic or a quiet environment
  • Fireflies that blink together at the same time
  • And the resetting of the internal body clock – after a very long plane flight
It doesn’t stop at biology.
Entrainment happens with machines too – such as pendulum clocks to electric driers.
Entrainment can also be defined within Physics, engineering, biomusicology, hydrodynamics and also brainwaves.
Studies from Concordia University, Montreal concluded that the therapeutic use of entrainment frequencies resulted in:
  • Strong pain relief
  • The release of emotions and trauma
  • A lasting switch from negative – to positive thought patterns
  • Profound relaxation – akin to deep meditation
With after-effects extending and evolving for days, weeks and even months after a session!
This is where it gets really interesting…
Much like electro-acupuncture, entrainment therapy can be paired with acupressure to deliver incredible results – a process that triggers the release of 4 different opioid endorphins (natural painkillers).
One of these natural pain-killing endorphins; “beta-endorphins” is stronger than morphine.
Now you can reap the incredible benefits of electro-acupuncture, without the fear the discomfort of electrified needles!
Acupressure combined with entrainment therapy is perfect because you don’t need the needles… it’s safer, there’s no pain, you don’t need to sterilize needles, and you don’t need to rely on visiting a practitioner, meaning you can apply it anywhere – whenever you need instant relief.
You can expect fantastic results using either therapy (acupressure or entrainment therapy) on its own, but combining them accelerates your ability to heal and restore your body and mind.
It’s called Acu-Frequency TM.
Acu-Frequency is a breakthrough in natural pain and ailment relief based on Traditional Chinese Medicine… together with targeted sound frequencies which modern medicine has been using for decades.

Elsje, Belgium

"I must say that your approach works miracles for me.
Real acupuncture hurts too much, and you offer the perfect solution for home treatment. Here in Belgium, the doctors have never even heard about brain waves.
I suffer from fibromyalgia, spasmophelia and chronic fatigue syndrome, maximum score on the first two.
I’m now off all opioids and most of my benzodiazepines.
Your program is groundbreaking! Thank you ever so much."
Natural Synergy